Dates are in YYYY-MM-DD due to international customers.
Note: Over the years some of our customers gave us multiple reviews/testimonials to update us about their Barnacle Rid performance, which means you may see reviews from the same person more than once.
Name: Roger Clout
Date: 2022-05-04
Location: NSW, Australia
Hi Shane
About five yours ago we bought 28ft Mariner and moored it in Burns Bay, Lane Cove in Sydney.
The boat was newly anti-fouled but after nine months the trim tabs, rudders and propellers were encrusted with barnacles even though the boat is regularly used.
We had the boat lifted and anti-fouled and this time installed a Barnacle Rid unit .
The boat has been lifted twice in the subsequent 3 years, once to repair a damaged prop, and the reduction in barnacles is remarkable. A few, less than 20 ,were counted on both occasions and any slime strips off while under way.
I must say I was a bit sceptical when it was first installed but 4 years, almost completely free of barnacles in a shallow, current free bay, definitely proves the product’s effectiveness.
As well as a money saver, it just feels good to know there is one less thing to worry about. After all It’s a boat !
Roger Clout
Name: Greg Hall
Date: 2022-04-08
Location: NSW, Australia
Name: Denis Trubiano
Date: 2021-04-19
Location: Florida, United States
Name: John Hawes
Date: 2020-10-01
Location: Burrum Heads, Qld, Australia
my experience with Barnaclerid is very good and am pleased with the product performance.
I have had a couple of hiccups in that being on a swing mooring in a river system have had broken wires due to debris fouling on electrodes and a lost electrode due to fouling on the mooring line.
Prior to installing Barnaclerid, my vessel would be badly fouled with barnacles within three months . After installation have had very few barnacles after 12 months. I am sure that vessels moored in a marina situation would perform even better.
I have no problem recommending Barnaclerid .
John Hawes
Name: Don Wagner
Date: 2020-06-05
Location: Florida, USA
I am including 4 photos . (2 emails)The photos are of my 26 foot 1988 formula. I purchased the barnaclerid system in November of 2019 and began using it on a freshly painted bottomed boat. The photos represent that boat after 6 months of sitting in water temperature in southwest Florida ranging from 74 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. The boat was only used 8 days in that timeframe . As you can see from the photo just a little green slime on the hull. The sterndrives do have some issues but not bad as in the past.
It should also be noted that prior to purchasing the barnaclerid system this boat on a freshly painted bottom had barnacles from one end to the other. The hull was covered and the stern drives were severely impacted. So much so that the boat could barely move through the water. And it was only a 4 month period of time !
Using the barnaclerid system to me has paid off big time. I lost no power with the boat comfortable cruising at 26 knots @ 3300 RPMs. To say the least I am very satisfied..
Don Wagner
note by barnacleRID:
After seeing the photos Don have sent us we have advised him to move the electrodes from the corners of the stern closer to the stern drive where they would be installed normally as per user manual to achieve better results on the drives themselves, however it is a harder to protect as with tidal or current wave action the drives are going in and out of the water.
Name: Captain Steve Qualia
Date: 2019-11-13
Location: Corpus Christi, Texas, USA
I am the Captain of the 105’ Broward Contrarian Rose, and the owner saw advertisements on how well the Barnacle Rid worked on keeping barnacles from attaching to the hull of a vessel. The owner purchased an eight electrode set up to completely protect the vessel. The Barnacle Rid system was installed per directions given to us by Barnacle Rid, just after returning back to dock after a complete bottom job at a cost of $18,000 (USD). The work included new bottom paint and all new anodes, installation of new depth and speed sensor, reconditioning propellers and re-packing all glands. Propspeed was not put on the shafts and propellers during this haul out.
After nearly a year in the water a professional diver checked and cleaned what very little was on the bottom. The hull was mostly free of any growth, as well as the shafts. Propellers had very little growth, and very little growth around the upper part of the stabilizers. The diver was very surprised that there was very minimal growth, since we are in an area of high growth of barnacles, oysters and other fouling organisms such as sea squirts and serpulid worms. We are docked parallel to a floating dock, not in a standard docking slip. There is steady flow of current and tide.
We are very pleased with the performance of the eight electrode system we are using, and are looking forward to the increased performance of the upgraded Super Yacht System. I will inform you of the new results in a few months. Shane’s service and advice has been exceptional throughout the whole process.
We thoroughly recommend the Barnacle Rid System. We strongly recommend following the procedures and maintenance to the system.
Captain Steve Qualia
Owner: Jack L. Marchand, II J&RLLC
(PS: The initial system was purchased on the 16th of March, 2018, approx 20 months ago and the vessel has an aluminum hull)
Name: James R.
Date: 2019-03-30
Location: Puget Sound, WA, United States
I got my replacement parts (4 copper electrodes) today via FedEx.
The system works way better than expected. Here we are a year later… The infestation of mussels (Pacific blue mussels) is gone and hasn’t returned! My first trip out on the Puget Sound after the boat sat in it’s slip all winter… amazingly clean bottom. I could tell immediately by the engine rpms and the gps speed indicator.
She works a charm. I even have slip mates (that understand what the barnacle rid system does) thanking me for keeping their boats clean, too.
Sincerely, James
Name: Craig Thomas
Date: 2018-11-22
Location: Moreton Bay Boat Club
My name is Craig Thomas and I am the owner of an aluminium sail boat.
Rooger is a Radford 10.6 design. A 34 foot racer cruiser.
One of the few drawbacks of aluminium boats is that the antifouling paints cannot have any copper in them. (This is to prevent galvanic corrosion in the hull.) Making the paints less effective than what can be applied to Wooden or GRP boats.
I decided to give the Barnacle Rid system a go to see if it keep my boat free of barnacles.
The 4 electrode Marina system was installed and switched on in June of 2017.
My boat is moored at the Moreton Bay Boat Club. This is in the Northern part of Moreton Bay, Scarborough Boat Harbour.
On 13th of November 2018 I dived under my boat to inspect the anodes and of course see how the Barnacle rid system was performing.
I am pleased to report that there were no barnacles growing on my hull.
Kind regards
Name: Rob F.
Date: 2018-09-19
Location: Bonnells Bay, NSW
I brought Barnacle Rid several years ago after I just paid over $2000 to have my Farrier F9 a Trimaran antifouled. I wasn’t sure if it would work. It was vandalised once with someone cutting one of the leads.
I left in the water for over 4 years without barnacle problems. It was breeze to go out sailing without the drag of barnacles. The only problem was having to quickly scrape off seaweed on the water line the odd occasion.
Name: George K.
Date: 2018-08-25
Location: Sydney Harbour
Find photos of my boat with the Barnacle Rid system in place now for 3 years.
Haven’t had much time spare to use the boat in the past 6 months, no Barnacle growth under the waterline, system working great.
Thanks again
Name: Grant Shorland
Date: 2018-07-19
Location: North Queensland
We left our permanent Berth on the Whitsunday and cruised down to Southport to have some maintenance done. After 18 months I again was not surprised to see how clean the hull and props were, about 3 barnacles on each prop which just brushed off and none anywhere else on the hull.
After having Barnaclerid on our steel 64 foot cruiser now for over 6 years I expected nothing less. Grant.
Name: Tony D.
Date: 2018-07-19
Location: North Queensland
Just happy to let you know that after 12months installed on my 30ft riviera with the 4 electrode system. Today I went under the boat and there is minimal growth/shells around the shaft support and trim tabs. Otherwise the system works very well. Thank you.
Name: Keith & Susan Castorina
Date: 2018-07-11
Location: North Queensland
We have been using Barnaclerid for two years on our 35 foot Riviera and are happy with its performance. The boat was slipped after one year to repair a prop, there were no Barnacles on the hull and only a few on the shafts and props and we live in a notorious area in North Queensland for Barnacles. Our boat is moored in a tidal river and is subject to some fast flowing currents 8 to 12 days a month I think Barnacle Rid will work even better in marinas without the fast currents. We will continue using Barnacle Rid.
Keith & Susan Castorina.
Name: Holly M
Date: 2017-08-21
Location: Key Colony Beach, Cheasapeake Bay, South Florida
Just thought I’d take a moment to thank you for selling a product that actually does what it is supposed to. My 42’ Cruisers Esprit has been in the very warm waters of South Florida since September of last year when I took it out of Dry Dock.. Along with a lot of TLC at the dry dock, it also got a brand new bottom paint in anticipation of using your product. I’ve had your system on it since then till now, a full 6 months. Have a look at the photos for yourself…pretty impressive Sir.
Cheers, Holly
Name: Blake H
Date: 2016-08-01
Location: Dubai
Has been about 6 weeks in. Here in Dubai we get barnacles growth in one week. you can get 8mm in about 10 days I have seen 10mm in summer. The hull and running gear is perfectly clean still not one barnacle or worm growth. Will inspect on a monthly and see how it’s going but clearly already it is a great result. Blake from Boaters maintenance facility Dubai
Name: Les Parry
Date: 2016-02-23
Location: Bribie Island, Queensland
I have been using Barnaclerid now in total 3 years and 7 months (43 months, see my previous feedback below from about 24 months ago). The third time I have sent a diver down to check it out, the diver reported I have the cleanest hull in the Marina.
That’s a saving of three lifts and no need for re antifouling three times.
I am very happy saving many $$$.
Thanks Barnaclerid
Name: Graham G
Date: 2016-02-12
Location: Sydney, Australia
I had a 35 foot cruiser that I had moored in a marina at Bayview in Sydney for a bit over 2 years and due to the water temp and limited water movement I found that I was continually having to dive to scrub the hull as the growth became quicker and quicker after each scrub. I then moved up to a 45 foot cruiser in the same location and not wanting to be continually under the boat scrubbing, I began the search for a solution. I discovered Barnaclerid and bought the 4 electrode model (as per your recommendation) which has now been on the boat for approx. 2 and a half years. I was sceptical at first as I initially purchased the system 3 months after an antifoul and, not wanting to slip the boat again so soon, I put the system on (contrary to instructions) and expected it to work. I ended up with growth starting after a couple of months so I bit the bullet and slipped the boat and antifouled. Clearly following the instructions works as during my subsequent 3 monthly dives under the boat there is only some slime with a small amount of weed on the waterline. There has been minor growth on boarding platform supports which is easily scraped off and a very small amount on rudder and prop. No barnacles anywhere. I have no doubt that I have saved substantially on fuel and general running costs. In terms of the product living up to what it says it will do – it certainly does. In addition, Shane’s service and advice has been exceptional. From my experience I thoroughly recommend the Barnaclerid system – but you must follow the instructions.
Name: Grant shorland
Date: 2015-12-09
Location: Airlie Beach, North Queensland
Using Barnaclerid over 5 years on a 64 foot steel cruiser. I dived on the boat yesterday and to my expectation once again the boat was completely free of barnacles. There were a couple on the water line which I used a plastic scraper on and they came off easily. The boat has been here for over 2 years . The boat next door to me has only been here for 4 months and is covered in barnacles and heavy growth so fantastic and thanks.
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Name: Gary
Date: 2015-05-02
Location: Lake Macquarie, Australia
just letting you know that I have been using barnaclerid for the past 12months and I think that the product is brilliant thanks
Name: Guy
Date: 2015-04-25
Location: Lake Macquarie, Australia
Name: Alan Munkhouse
Date: 2014-11-08
Location: Magnetic Island
After many years of good service I have to replace the electrodes on our 60 ft steel motor cruiser. It has a lot of underwater surface as its depth is 2.8 meters and weighs in at 70 tonnes. The boat lives at Magnetic Island and is coming up to 3 years since its last lift. We haven’t lost any performance. I recommend the system to others in the marina and i know of at least one owner has taken on the system with excellent results. The system really works,
reg Alan M
Name: Brian M
Date: 2014-09-17
Location: Sydney
We fitted a 4 probe Barnaclerid system to our catamaran after antifouling last September. So far so good. A recent dive reported no barnacles. We recently had an operational problem with our unit. It turned out to be operator error and nothing to do with the system. However on first contact Shane assumed the unit had failed even though he must have suspected it was our fault and booked a courier to deliver a replacement control box the next day. After numerous phone calls the cause of the problem was traced to our error. All through the time Shane was very courteous and quick to respond to messages. He never once made me feel stupid (even though I might be) and always treated me as an important customer. Full marks for customer service and after 6 months full marks for the system.
Our boat lives in Pittwater in Sydney.
Name: Andrew. Murray H. Brian A.
Date: cat 2014-05-14, 58 blue cruiser 2012-09-21, 53 Rivera 2012-09-28
Location: Darwin
Very impressed with barnaclerids protection in these very warm waters in the top end Darwin as are my two neighbours who also use Barnaclerid either side of my catamaran. It is working so well I decided to have a pro photographer take this photo of all three of our boats for you. thanks so much regards Andrew
Name: Bob Rafter
Date: 2014-08-02
Location: Hervey Bay
In an effort to battle the never ending maintenance problems associated banacle growth on my Ocean 56′ motor yacht I did some research and found the Banaclerid System. At first I wasn’t totally convinced the system could deliver the results I was looking for, but after discussions and advice from Barnaclerid CEO Shane Gillard I made the decision to purchase and install a 4 electrode system in June 2011. In January 2012 I went from sceptic to convert after an underwater inspection revealed absolutely no barnacle growth on the hull or running gear.
There was a minor amount of growth on my boarding platform supports and exhaust tubes, which came as no suprise as both of these areas were identified as difficult areas to cover when the installation was initially designed by Shane Gillard. Shane has been a pleasure to deal with and it’s also nice to do business with someone who tells you how it is and not try to spin a lot of crap in an effort to sell their product. I believe the Banaclerid system has been a good investment which will save me time and money in running and maintenance costs.
Bob Rafter – Hervey Bay QLD
Name: Olivia Branson
Date: 2014-04-02
Location: Singapore
We have been using the Barnacle Rid system on our dock where we keep our CABO 52 in Singapore (See Pic below) and are very pleased with the results. We have been using it for two years now and do not have issues with barnacles any more. We still have to contend with green weed growth at the water line however do not have to clean off barnacles which was a once a week affair due to rapid and immense growth in our waters. The key to using this successfully is to follow the instructions carefully for installation and boat preparation as well.
Name: Les Parry
Date: 2014-02-21
Location: Bribie Island, Queensland
Now that I have had the Barnaclerid fitted for some 19 months, I thought you might be interested in its performance. The boat is moored in Southern Queensland in an area well known for its barnacle problems. A local diver has cleaned the bottom twice and on his recommendation the boat has not been lifted out, thus saving me two lifts and antifouls. After the last inspection, the diver stated he was a little disappointed as this time he found seven soft barnacles and the time before, only five. Needless to say I am delighted with the performance of the Barnaclerid.
Name: Barry C
Date: 2013-06-20
Location: River Heads, QLD
I’ve had the 4 electrode Barnacle Rid system on our 40ft x 15ft power catamaran since it was launched 18 months ago. After owning a houseboat for many years and dreading the annual barnacle scrape on the slipway I was told about your product by a very satisfied Barnacle Rid user and decided to install the system on our new catamaran. Well after 12 months on a swing mooring in some pretty harsh conditions (1 mtr high waves, 5 knot running tides) there were almost no barnacles on hulls just a few on both bows due to electrodes being out of water in waves and they basically fell off anyway. A couple of months ago both bow electrodes became tangled with the mooring ropes and were pulled from boat so the Barnacle Rid system wasn’t working. Well proof the system works, after 6 weeks of no protection top speed of 21 knots down to 10 knots and I spent 4 hours on a sand bar scraping off stuck barnacles. Thanks Barnaclerid staff for your swift service in sending me 2 new electrodes and ongoing advice. I wont be without them again.
Name: Darren Clarke
Date: 2013-05-04
Location: Perth, Australia
We have had your Barnacle Rid System installed on our boat for the past eighteen months. My boat is 24 years old and has leg drives. Prior to having the Barnacle Rid System installed the hull and legs would be subject to numerous barnacles after only a short period of time after anti-fouling. We primarily wanted to stop the barnacles from entering our water intakes and over heating our engines which we have recently replaced with new ones. I work away from Perth for extended periods of time and I’m not home regularly enough to clean the hull and legs. My Dad heard of your system, so we thought we would give it a try. After getting the correct settings with prompt return phone calls from yourself and your agent in Perth we are very pleased with the results we have been getting. We have just had the boat out of the water for annual servicing of the legs and were very pleased to find no barnacles on the hull at all and none in the water intakes of the legs. Not only does your system reduce the number of times I need to get in the water to rub down the hull and legs but it reduces the time I need to spend in the water because I don’t need to scrap away barnacles. The boats on either side of our pen are also seem to be developing less barnacles as well. We have had many fellow boaties at the marina asking what the probes are hanging off the bow and stern of our boat, to which we are more than happy to explain what it is and show them the good results that we are having with Barnacle Rid.
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Name: Matthew Chang
Date: 2012-12-02
Location: Papua New Guinea
I wanted to send a word of praise for your Barnaclerid products. Prior to purchasing the 3 electrode unit, I was highly sceptical off their effectiveness to control the dreaded barnacle growth on the hull of my boat. After purchasing the unit and re antifouling my boat, I was amazed at the reduction in growth. No hard barnacles even after over a year in the water whilst using Barnaclerid. My fuel burn is down, maintenance is down and we could not be happier. At our last annual maintenance and repaint. It was simply a matter of washing down the hull, no scraping required. In fact I am so impressed I would happily recommend the use of Barnaclerid to any boater who moors their boat. Again congratulations on the product and thank you for all your ongoing assistance.
Name: Graeme and Sue G.
Date: 2012-11-30
Location: Tin Can Bay Marina
Barniclerid is a great product. We are very happy with the results using them now for about 6 years. We have only been pulled out twice during this time for anti fouling and both times we (as were the people doing the clean) were amazed at how free of barnacles there were. We are a high speed catamaran and clean hulls are essential for fuel economy. We can’t recommend this product enough. Thanks Shane, regards Graeme and Sue …Tin Can Bay Marina.
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Name: Tim Dawson
Date: 2012-29-10
Location: North Queensland
Leopard Power Catamaran after over 12 months since last out of water,Tim Ds. Power Cat berthed in Tin Can bay Queensland, Australia was slipped last week and Tim reporting he was extremely happy with barnaclerids 4 electrode,cat models protection,saying he wasn’t expecting it to be so clean,it was spotless no Barnacles anywhere. Tim said considering the boat has been sitting in the Marina for 6 months it was more impressive.See photos below the Cat has not been cleaned in any way, straight out of the water. spotless no Barnacles anywhere.
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Date: 2012-10-12
Location: Fremantle, Western Australia
Here are the photos of my boat being pulled out at Royal Perth after 14 months in the water. The boat is clean apart from the residue on the ground of slime and a little weed which would have filled 1-2 20 litre Buckets. I am extremely pleased with this outcome.
Click on image to enlarge it

Name: Brian A.
Date: 2012-09-28
Location: Darwin
FYI did not need to put the new electrodes purchased into action yet as still enough on the old ones. Also we pulled the boat out after 2 years plus sitting in water with over a year of not moving.The Hull was clean and only slight build up on props and rudders but overall good result given no movement. Thanks and regards
Name: John Lu
Date: 2012-04-20
Location: waters NSW
Marina model proves its worth, after over 12 months one lone barnacle was found over the total hull of this customers Riviera moored outside his home marina. Photos of props last shot below, straight out of water no cleaning and no more anti foul required, I give full credit to Barnaclerid was the clients comment, we were as happy also, thanks for the feed back John. Now over 2 years plus no barnacles see set up on Johns Marina below
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Name: Vern T.
Date: 2012-03-02
Location: Adelaide
I purchased the Kingfisher 50 from the Gold Coast 2 years ago and motored it to Adelaide. An initial inspection on purchase showed an estimated 50% of antifouling life left. I put the barnacle Rid Anode System on the boat just after we arrived in Adelaide and then used it for 2 years before slipping the boat. As you can see from the photo, there was very little growth at all on the vessel (approx a 2 litre bucket of growth around the rudder and on the bottom of the skeg where the anti fouling was missing). I am extremely happy with the results as the system keeps control over the growth which leads to a better fuel consumption as an additional benefit.
Name: Malcolm Thorpe
Date: 2012-03-01
Location: Adelaide
I have a 12m catamaran that had not been slipped for four years. I used to jump over the side and give the bottom a clean every few months as I was getting the boat ready to be slipped for a complete external refurbishment. It got to the stage that after 1 month it was pretty bad as there was little to no anti fouling left. A friend had seen a copper anode system on another boat, so I investigated on the web and found the Barnacle Rid System. I scrubbed the bottom and put on the catamaran version of the system in March 2011 (one anode on the bow and stern of each hull). This immediately stopped all the fungi and coral growth. Then I eventually slipped the catamaran in December 2011 after no usage since March, there was only a small amount of weed growing and it was easy to rub off. In November of 2012. I inflated the dinghy and polished the external hull in the water. This was done a bit at a time in just over 3 weeks. During this time I kept the dinghy in the water between the 2 hulls (see photos) and after 3 weeks it was pretty clean. While no system is a silver bullet, the barnacle rid system certainly stops the coral growth and really slows down the weed/fungi growth. If any weed/fungi grows I found it very weak and easy to just brush off.
Also keep tender in the protection zone.
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Name: Rick
Date: 2012-02-10
Location: Darwin, NT
Barnacle Rid has exceeded my expectations. Having a boat permanently moored in our warm waters in the Top End I experienced significant barnacle & algae growth on the hull of my 28ft Sea Ray each year. After fitting Barnacle Rid & slipping my boat for some engine & leg maintenance some 18 months later, I and the marine mechanic were amazed at how clean the hull was. Definitely a great investment”. Recommend this product to everyone that has a boat permanently in the water.
Name: Grant Shorland
Date: 2011-09-07
Location: Cullen Bay, Darwin
My boat which is a 65 foot steel passage maker has been moored in Cullen Bay Darwin for the past 14 Months, and it has been 18 Months since the boat was out of the water back in Bundaberg after already using Barnaclerid for 12 months we found no barnacles, she was out of water for general servicing and we had her re anti fouled whilst out for our trip. We then cruised the East coast Australia to the Kimberly’s in Western Australia and then back to Darwin using Barnaclerid at anchorage. During the last 14 Months in Darwin ‘Northern Territory Australia’ the water temperature ranged between 25degrees c, to a high of 33 degrees C, and the Barnaclerid electrodes have been in the water during this time. I had a dive under the boat a few weeks ago, and found the hull completely clear of barnacles, and also the propellers and stern gear without any sign of barnacles which was very impressive. The hull had some slime around the waterline, but this comes off very quickly once the vessel gets under way at 8 knots it is all gone within a few minutes. I would also like to thank you for all your back up service and free advice since I have purchased the Barnaclerid system from your company it has been terrific over the past 2 years or so. I believe your product is a great invention, and it will allow me to haul the boat out of the water every two years or even longer, which is a great saving when you have a boat which displaces 80 tons. Best Regards
Name: Janis Kinnie
Date: 2011-08-21
Location: Victoria
This tradewinds 42 (see two photos) straight out of the water no blast after over 19 months since last antifoul, no barnacles on the hull whatsoever, a few on the bottom bow and prop, considering this boat hardly ever moves and is on its wharf for months at a time its a great result
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