News about the 8 Electrode Barnacle Rid system from Texas, USA
16th March 2018 U.S.A.Texas, purchased our Barnacle Rid custom made 8 electrode Barnacle Rid set up to protect Jack’s 105 foot Yacht, see below, from barnacles/hard shell growth, prior to installation. See testimonial for this Super Yacht System here, from 2019-11-13.
It is an aluminum vessel

New Barnacle Rid distributors in Turkey
Istanbul, Turkey. Four Large mono hull 4 electrode Barnacle Rid full kits heading for our new distributor in Turkey. They left our warehouse today. We look forward to a long term partnership.
More info on distributor soon.

Law Changes in the US
From a client recently on the Puget sound USA with surrounding Cities Seattle, Tacoma, Washington, Olympia, Everett, Bremerton. Thanks for sharing James
A law that was passed in 2010, thanks to our governor and her infinite wisdom, will go into effect In 2020 that will ban copper bottom paints in our state. As you probably have seen this happening across the United States and around the globe. Recreational boaters will get slammed hard with this one, in only a few years. Bottom fouling will be horrible without copper, requiring frequent haul-outs and cleanings. The technology savvy will turn to electrolytic anti-fouling. In our marina, we recently (in the last couple years) got an infestation of mussels. Pacific blue mussels. If they were bigger, we could just eat them. They’re tiny and plentiful, and real pest. They’re everywhere. If you reach in the water near the docks, you’ll get cut. They’re on almost everyones trim tabs and exhaust pipes. Like most mollusks, the only way to get rid of them is to physically remove them (scrape or pressure wash). I did some research, and found that copper ions will deter them from settling, and will starve the ones that have already set up shop. Copper is an appetite suppressant for mollusks. bon appétit mussels, enjoy your last meal. I can’t wait to see them gone. James
Feedback from Florida
From South Florida thanks for the excellent feed back Holly
Hi Shane,
Just thought I’d take a moment to thank you for selling a product that actually does what it is supposed to.
My 42’ Cruisers Esprit has been in the very warm waters of South Florida since September of last year when I took it out of Dry Dock.. Along with a lot of TLC at the dry dock, it also got a brand new bottom paint in anticipation of using your product. I’ve had your system on it since then till now, a full 6 months. Have a look at the photos for yourself…pretty impressive Sir.
Cheers, Holly

More international news
Its been a big month @ barnaclerid with export some sales going to Fort Lauderdale U.S.A, Clearwater Florida U.S.A.,Palm Waters Florida U.S.A. Brownsville, Texas U.S.A. and one to Brazil.
To all the barnaclerid clients (non sceptics) who are proving to save many $$$$ annualy by simply using barnaclerid thankyou.
First in Martha Cove Victoria a Marina model sold to protect a 52 foot cruiser and looks great set up on the private dock outside their new home being built.
Speaking of Firsts MEXICO sale of a Marina Barnaclerid system protecting a floating home ,fantastic.
Also more sales in Queensland, Western Australia, and Singapore this week.
We are very excited to share some of barnaclerids latest Sales in many parts of the world including
Spain, Singapore, Turkey, Gibraltar,United States of America, New Zealand, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Quatar, Dubai; in Australia. Western Australia, Northen Territory, Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, Tasmania and Queensland.
Thanks go around the world from the Barnacle Rid Team in Australia.
Feedback from the Northern Territory, Australia
Latest news, Rick purchased Barnaclerid in December 2013 and writes to us below.
” Barnacle Rid has exceeded my expectations. Having a boat permanently moored in our warm waters in the Top End I experienced significant barnacle & algae growth on the hull of my 28ft Sea Ray each year. After fitting Barnacle Rid & slipping my boat for some engine & leg maintenance some 18 months later, I and the marine mechanic were amazed at how clean the hull was.
Definitely a great investment.
Recommend this product to everyone that has a boat permanently in the water
kind regards
Darwin NT”
Feedback from NT
Darwin Australias top end. the area has very warm waters making for high barnacle growth.
Pictured are 3 boats in Cullen bay together, all using barnaclerid to protect their investments.
A 40 foot catamaran, 54 hershine cruiser,and a 51 Riviera fly bridge cruiser.
All protected by barnaclerid for many years ,there are also other barnaclerid happy owners in Darwin as well.
Thanks for the photo Andrew.

We were @ San Diego International Boat Show. Great show, great people thanks from Barnacle Rid.

Sheraton Hotel & Marina, Harbor Island please call +61410541920 or email to arrange a meeting for sales info or if your comapny is interested in becoming an exclusive distributor in the United States for barnaclerid.

Tip of the month from a long time Barnacle Rid user
Feedback from lake Macquarie
News below from Airlie Beach, North Queensland of Australia
A tropical paradise for tourists 🙂 and barnacles 🙁 alike
A long term Barnacle Rid user (over 5 years) on a 64 foot steel cruiser. His words below:
“I dived on the boat yesterday and to my expectation and pleasure once again the boat was completely free of barnacles ,there were a couple on the water line which I used a plastic scraper on and they came off easily, the boat has been here for over 2 years.
The boat next door to me has only been here for 4 months and is covered in barnacles and heavy growth so fantastic and thanks.”
He also said the guy next door will call you.
Great news and thanks for calling to let us know.
Feedback from Victoria, Australia
This Tradewinds 42 (see two photos below) straight out of the water no blast after over 19 months since last antifoul, no barnacles on the hull whatsoever,a few on the bottom bow and prop,considering this boat hardly ever moves and is on its wharf for months at a time its a great result and the owner who sent these photos is extermly pleased .

Feedback from Dubai on a catamaran
Barnacle Rid is clearly working already, see report below
Has been about 6 weeks in.
Here in Dubai we get barnacles growth in one week. you can get 8mm in about 10 days I have seen 10mm in summer.
The hull and running gear is perfectly clean still not one barnicle or worm growth. Will inspect on a monthly and see how it’s going but clearly already is a great result.

From our very first client/believer
Just sent this card, thanks Adrian.
We very much appreciate the thought. Adrian started with our barnaclerid mono hull 2 electrode system, protecting his 48 foot cruiser from barnacles, for many years. Now Adrian has up dated his vessel to a 60 foot Princess and runs our 4 electrode large vessel Barnaclerid protection system. Adrian is also happy to speak with any prospective clients on his experience with us, just ask and we will forward his contact details. We share with you his card below,thanks again.
Barnacle Rid Celebrates 7 Years
This year since inception with hundreds of satisfied clients all over the world. Many have become friends thank you, from the team at Barnacle Rid.
Latest Feedback from a Happy Client
From Bribie Islands which is strong Barnacle growth area.
Hi Shane
Now that I have had the Barnaclerid fitted for some 19 months, I thought you might be interested in its performance.
The boat is moored in Southern Queensland in an area well known for its barnacle problems. A local diver has cleaned the bottom twice and on his recommendation the boat has not been slipped, thus saving me two lifts. After the last clean, the diver stated he was a little disappointed as this time he found seven soft barnacles and the time before, only five. Needless to say I am delighted with the performance of the Barnaclerid system.Regards,
Les Parry
New Barnacle Rid distributor in Singapore
Reel Torque Yachts as our exclusive distributors for Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia & Vietnam
Feedback from Singapore
Permanent dock installation, Barnacle Rid Marina System with shore power.
S. E. Asia’s Exclusive Dealer for Hatteras Yachts

Bunderberg haul out Queensland
Bob – Hervey Bay QLD
Update Latest news July 2015
It’s been 22 months since my last anti foul with no bottom clean since. Apart from some slime and weed, there was absolutely no shell or barnacle growth to be found.The benefits have been in saving money on costly maintenance and poor performance so saving fuel as well. Thanks Barnaclerid. Regards Bob
NEWS from a cruising Forum in Cheasapeake Bay Florida U.S.A
Re: barnacle rid in AustraliaI’ve got a St. Francis 50 right in front of me on the tee . I’ll ask him how its working when I see him. His cat does look pretty clean from what I can see…Re: barnacle rid in Australia
Ok, talked to him today and asked him if he thought the barnaclerid system was working. He’s just as curious as I am. Turns out he had a diver come in yesterday to retrieve an eisenglas panel that went overboard. He had the diver check the bottom and the diver reported that he found two barnacles on one of the saildrive props but could find no hard growth anywhere else. He did say there was a light coating of soft growth that brushed right off. The system was installed a year ago this month and the boat has been on the Cheasapeake Bay the whole time. So, there you go. It seems the system is working on his boat..
Sanctuary Cove Boat show
Thanks to all the new and current clients who dropped in to see Greg at the Sanctuary Cove Boat show and also for your orders and enquirers and thank you Greg you did a grand job.
See us @Sanctuary Cove Boat show @ Main pavilion booth number 140.
Our distributor Mavric Systems which we endorse as well is displaying with a full barnaclerid kit to view and take orders so ask for Greg he will explain the system happily for you,as he uses Barnaclerid on his own vessel. see stand below. Contact Greg on 0430 340 511

Feedback from River Heads, Queensland AU
Hi Shane
I’ve had the 4 electrode Barnacle Rid system on our 40ft x 15ft power catamaran since it was launched 18 months ago. After owning a houseboat for many years and dreading the annual barnacle scrape on the slipway I was told about your product by a very satisfied Barnacle Rid user and decided to install the system on our new catamaran. Well after 12 months on a swing mooring in some pretty harsh conditions (1 mtr high waves, 5 knot running tides) there were almost no barnacles on hulls just a few on both bows due to electrodes being out of water in waves and they basically fell off anyway. A couple of months ago both bow electrodes became tangled with the mooring ropes and were pulled from boat so the Barnacle Rid system wasn”t working. Well proof the system works, after 6 weeks of no protection top speed of 21 knots down to 10 knots and I spent 4 hours on a sand bar scraping off stuck barnacles.Thanks Shane for your swift service in sending me 2 new electrodes and ongoing advice. I wont be without them again.
Barry C
River Heads QLD
Another happy Barnaclerid client in Darwin, Northern Territory, AU
Hi Shane,
FYI did not need to put new electrodes into action yet as still enough on the old ones.
Also pulled the boat out after 2 years plus sitting in water with over a year of not moving.
Hull was clean and only slight build up on props and rudders but overall good result given no movement.
Thanks and regards
Feedback from Sydney
48 foot Catamaran owner, Brian M
To whom it may concern
We fitted a 4 probe Barnaclerid system to our catamaran after antifouling last September. So far so good. A recent dive reported no barnacles.We recently had an operational problem with our unit. It turned out to be operator error and nothing to do with the system. However on first contact Shane assumed the unit had failed even though he must have suspected it was our fault and booked a courier to deliver a replacement control box the next day. After numerous phone calls the cause of the problem was traced to our error. All through the time Shane was very courteous and quick to respond to messages. He never once made me feel stupid (even though I might be) and always treated me as an important customer. Full marks for customer service and after 6 months full marks for the system.
Our boat lives in Pittwater in Sydney and if you want to contact me through Shane I would be more than glad to discuss Barnaclerid with you and show you it working.
Latest Agent in Papua New Guinea
Barnacle Rid appoints its latest agent a first in Papua New Guinea .
Matthew Chang a long time client and user of Barnacle Rid systems,so impressed with the results and protection Barnacle Rid has achieved on his own vessel applied for agency rights.
We are very happy To appoint Matthew and we know he will give all our clients the normal high service expected from Barnacle Rid.
Congratulations Matt who within days has sold a few Barnacle Rid units already well done.
Matt can be contacted on (675) 76389297 or see contacts for full details.
Barnacle Rid displayed in Amsterdam
Barnacle Rid Displayed at METS in Amsterdam last November 2014 The largest Marine Trade Fair in the World.
We met colleagues, friends, along with new and existing clients, we were located in the Australian Marine Export & Super Yacht group pavilion, as members.
Feedback from Sanctuary Cove
Stewart reported no barnacles apart from a few up one exhaust pipe so he was very pleased with the result since using Barnacle Rid and now has recommended Barnacle Rid to many friends and marine business in the area.
Thanks Stewart

Feedback from Janis QLD
August 2014, after over 2 years the 42 Trade Winds is lifted and not one single Barnacle found. Our Client Janis was ecstatic, as are we.
Photos straight out of water not cleaned or touched.

Barnacle Rid now a corporate member of AUSBUY
We were delighted to be welcomed to AUSBUY recently and look forward to working with this great Australian company, thank you AUSBUY.
New distributor in Saudi Arabia
A very well respected and versatile company.
Alahnaf Trading Establishment
Office Sales Department:
- Office Tel: +966-12-683-3698, +966-12-691-9043, +966-12-639-3525, +966-12-682-3434
- Fax: +966 12 682 6351
- Email:
- Miss Helen Mb: +966-546-794-223, Email:
- Miss Lidia Mb: +966-549-864-758, Email:
Certified: EN-ISO 9001:2001 & EN-ISO 14001:2004
Shipping Address: Sary Street, Nueva Andalucia Villas, No:B1
P.O.Box 801, Jeddah, 21421, Saudi Arabia